References for the Revelation Scripture Study
Homework for Revelation 13-14

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March 18, 2006

Assigned Homework for Revelation 13-14

Dan 7 (This passage is important to many parts of Revelation 13-14)
Ps 74:14
Ex 28:36-38
1 Cor 10:20
Ex 15:11
2 Thes 2:4-10
Mar 4:10-25
Jer 15:1-2
Mt 7:15
Mt 24:23-27
Jn 18:28-31; 19:1-15
Mk 13:22
Acts 8:9-24
Acts 13:6-11
Ez 37:10
Gen 1:24-31
Ex 21:2
1 Kings 10:14
1 Kg 8:1-11
Ps 2, especially v. 6
1 Sam 21:1-5
Jer 2:1-5
Jn 1:35-39
1 Cor 15:20-23
1 Pe 2:21-25
Jn 8:31-59
Zeph 3:12-13
Jn 12:30-33
Jer 51:6-8
Pro 9:1-6
Ps 75, especially v. 8
Mk 15:23
Mt 25:31-46, especially vv. 37-40
Mk 4:26-29
Mt 9:37-38
Joel 4:11-16
Is 5:1-7
Ex 14:27-28

Translate this expression into English letters and also add up the numeric value of each letter.  The dots and dashes below and above a letter indicate vowels and can be ignored for this exercise.  Hebrew is written right-to-left, so begin with the letter on the right.  (NB:  The character becomes the long vowel “o” and not “v” when it has a dot above it.)